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Author Archives: Dave Krugler

The Dangers of Brain and Spine Injuries in Children

By Cash Krugler Fredericks |

A few weeks ago, two children riding their bikes were struck by a vehicle in Atlanta, resulting in serious brain and spine injuries to one of the children. Unfortunately, that child did not make it. The driver of the vehicle faces many charges, including a DUI, but it is too late for the 9-year-old… Read More »

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Major League Baseball Opening Day, A Reminder for Athletes to Play Safely

By Cash Krugler Fredericks |

Major League Baseball Opening Day is April 3rd. Players will step up to the plate to use everything they’ve got. No matter how strong they are, they’re still at risk for injuries on the field, including concussions. As we’ve said before, there is no such thing as a minor injury to the brain. No… Read More »

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New Year, New Look, Same Message

By Cash Krugler Fredericks |

While a new year has just begun, Cash Krugler Fredericks got a jump on our new year and our new look a little early. You may have noticed our frequent informative blogs, multiple media appearances, social media updates and quarterly newsletter. This is just some of the outreach we’re doing in an endeavor to… Read More »

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How Protected is Your Child on the School Bus?

By Cash Krugler Fredericks |

The holidays have passed, the New Year has begun and for most of us, today is the day we get back to work after enjoying a couple of weeks of half days and days off. If you have school age children, they could be among the 25 million American kids climbing into a big… Read More »

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Gifter Beware: Tricky Manufacturer Protections

By Cash Krugler Fredericks |

This year, hoverboards are the “hot” holiday toy – so hot, they are actually catching on fire after exploding. In the U.S., the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is investigating incidents of the self-balancing skateboards bursting into flames, and in Great Britain the National Trading Standards seized more than 15,000 hoverboards declaring them a… Read More »

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Truck Accidents: Atlanta Tops List of Worst Truck Traffic

By Cash Krugler Fredericks |

In November, the renowned news website Vox cited the National Highway Traffic Association’s declaration that I-285 in Atlanta is America’s deadliest interstate. One week after that, the American Transportation Research Institute revealed the nation’s worst truck bottleneck is also in Atlanta at “Spaghetti Junction” where I- 285 and I-85 intersect. These two top rankings… Read More »

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Is Your Auto Insurance Protecting Your Family?

By Cash Krugler Fredericks |

Our firm has extensive experience representing clients injured in automobile and trucking accidents, and we know from experience that it’s really important for you to carry insurance, and make sure it’s the right kind of insurance. In a recent case, our client’s car was rear-ended by a speeding driver, causing a child to suffer… Read More »

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Burn Victim Trains to Help Others with Skin Tattoos

By Cash Krugler Fredericks |

In January, the inspiring story of Basma Hameed, a young woman making a difference in the lives of burn victims, was picked up by various media outlets. As a toddler in Iraq, Basma was badly burned in a kitchen accident. She survived with severe facial scars, starkly pink against her pale skin. After more… Read More »

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Our Brains, Without Oxygen

By Cash Krugler Fredericks |

Our brains are needy. They use one-fifth of our body’s total energy, more than any other organ. Twenty percent of the oxygen we take in goes straight to the brain. When our supply of oxygen is interrupted, brain function is disturbed immediately. It doesn’t take long for us to lose consciousness. After about four… Read More »

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Deadly Guardrails Still on Georgia Highways

By Cash Krugler Fredericks |

Earlier this month, we reported on the defective ET-Plus guardrail. Manufactured by Trinity Industries, these guardrails are on highways across the nation and here in Georgia. This dangerous guardrail is responsible for deaths and horrific injuries of more than 20 people. But shockingly, it’s not the only defective, dangerous guardrail on the highway. More… Read More »

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